Tuesday, January 20, 2009

On stereotypes in Malaysia...

So the Malays are lazy & stupid... the Chinese are greedy... and the Indians cheat? You would have heard these, countless times in many variations if you're a Malaysian... but do you really agree with it? How can you not?

If the stereotypes are so popular... and almost all of the 25 million Malaysians know about em'... and somehow can even relate to em'... there must be some truth in it don't you think? So instead of calling em' stereotypes... why can't we just be honest and call em' what they are... the truth!

Nah... that'll be too sensitive for this country... people will get sensitive... and upset and start burning shit on the streets... which is alright with the police... as long as they are not Indians... because as we know, only Indians can get violent and destructive when they march on the streets... others will never get so bad so they can protest on the streets anytime and even burn shit without any proper permits. Probably because they are deemed too lazy to start up any serious violence.

I guess if you say your prayers before the protests, it just makes it all perfect!

1 comment:

You don't have to agree with me... but don't post stupid comments. I will not tolerate stupid comments. When you say somethin, you hereby agree to my terms & conditions which I don't have to clearly express... but it pretty much means I have full rights over your comment and I may ridicule it as I please... if you want free speech... write that shit in your own blog! On the other hand... if you're honest and you can articulate your views well, I may show you the respect you deserve ma' friend.